
Unlock the Vault Bundle (PDF)



A series of one shot adventures inspired by the mystery of the 8 Keys to Aizendore’s Vault.

Tomb of the Undead King

#1 in the Unlock the Vault series.

A one-shot adventure for 4-6 characters of level 3.

This first instalment in the Unlock the Vault series sees the party venture to Wellsing’s ruins, where the foolish King Ralfour is rumored to have been buried alive when the kingdom was melted by dragon fire. Yet, it is said that before he was defeated, King Ralfour had acquired a curious buckler that granted him protection and eternal youth. Could this have been the fabled Key of Abjuration? Might it be used to break one of the 8 Seals on Aizendore’s Vault?

The party must brave the burial alcoves of the melted Wellsing ruins, find the tomb of the undead king, and claim his famed buckler to find out. But they are not the only interested party…

Will they win this race against time?

Can they overcome the undead evils in the alcoves?

And will they lay claim to the Key of Abjuration?


Legend of the Silver Colosseum PDF

#2 in the Unlock the Vault series.

A one-shot adventure for 4-6 characters of level 4.

While searching for the Key of Illusion, the party find themselves exploring a city of vibrant art and spectacular performance, never more realized than at the annual Silver Games.  The purveyor of the Games, an enigmatic character known as the Entertainer holds the position of ruler over Sepctacle by virtue of being most esteemed bard, his authority symbolized by the mysterious, ever-changing amulet he bears. Could this amulet be the key the party seek? Should they wish to win the amulet,, they must enter the Silver Games, defeat their opponents and face off with the Entertainer himself…


Will the party qualify for a position in the Silver Games?

Will they have the heart to take down their own allies?

And will the last contestant standing have the wit and charisma to beat the Entertainer at his own game?


Haunting of the Everwood

#3 in the Unlock the Vault series. 

A one-shot adventure for 4-6 characters of level 5. 

In the heart of the Shanri Empire lies an enchanted wood so impenetrable that the elves themselves give it a wide berth. A sickly green glow pulses almost as if in warning to potential intruders, and a keening wail emanates from the heart of the overgrowth.

Legend has it the wood is haunted by the spirits of star-crossed lovers and the Kingsmen who tried to stand in their way. Those who dare to enter the woods are never heard from again. Yet, a legend more ancient still suggests that an arcane key may be the cause of the uncontrollable eldritch growth. Rumoured to have been given to the care of the Shanri Elves centuries ago for protection and safe keeping by a mysterious and enigmatic wizard, could the green orb spoken of in myth be the third key to Aizendore’s Vault?

And is the key truly hidden within the Everwood?

What other secrets might the Everwood reveal?

And can you uncover the key before the Everwood consumes you?

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